HALSTEAD has once again been victorious in the battle to have the best blooms in Britain.

Green fingered volunteers have been crowned joint winner of the town category in the Britain in Bloom competition run by the Royal Horticultural Society.

Holy Trinity Primary School received recognition from judges and Joan Gibson was named community champion.

It is yet another accolade for the town to celebrate.

Volunteers and residents should be commended for their passion and hard work to help bring this award home for Halstead.

Their dedication to doing the best for our town is outstanding.

Those who are part of the In Bloom team have praised the “fantastic spirit” of the town with judges commenting on the strong community.

The town is now renowned for its floral displays and picturesque settings - thanks in part to the dedication of the team.

The team are extremely modest with chairman Margaret Eskins saying everyone “contributes in some way, big or small” to the success of the town in the horticultural competitions.

Halstead is truly a jewel in Essex’s crown and we should all be proud to play a part in its success.

And our thanks should go to the fantastic In Bloom team who have again got Halstead top spot.