An Essex County Fire and Rescue Service volunteer has gone above and beyond to protect a vulnerable person in his community during a routine safety check in ‪Castle Hedingham.

Parish Safety Volunteer Kim Speed was completing a home and fire safety visit with colleague, Nick Godley, when he noticed that the elderly occupier looked unwell.

While giving safety advice to the woman, in her late 70s, he discovered she had not seen her doctor despite being poorly for a number of weeks.

After installing two working smoke alarms, Kim, drove to The Castle Surgery, in Castle Hedingham, to seek the advice of a medical expert.

Within 15 minutes, the woman was seen at her home by her GP.

Kim, who has worked for the London Ambulance Service for 39 years, said: “This particular visit was a huge success because we discovered the property’s smoke alarms on the floor with the batteries removed.

“This vulnerable person in our community now has two working smoke alarms in her home and has been seen by her GP.”

“Living in Castle Hedingham, I care about my community and the people who live here. That’s why I instantly signed up to the Parish Safety Volunteer scheme and I’m really enjoying the experience.”

Andrea MacAlister, the Service’s Volunteer Manager, said: "Kim's actions undoubtedly made this woman safer.

“He is a credit to our Parish Safety Volunteer team, and we are extremely impressed with the work he and the rest of our volunteer team undertake."

The Parish Safety Volunteer Scheme sees volunteers delivering fire safety and crime prevention advice as well as putting people in contact with well-being and support groups in their parish.

To find out more about volunteering opportunites visit: