A QUIZ night is being staged to raise money for a church’s bell restoration fund.

St Andrew’s Church in Earls Colne is raising as much money as possible in order to get its bells restored.

The bells were originally installed about 150 years ago and are in need of re-tuning and putting back with new fittings and working parts.

The church is trying to raise £60,000 to £70,000 to get the bells completely refurbished.

Trevor Beadle from Earls Colne is the tower captain with the church bellringers.

So far, he has helped to stage a charity concert with the Colchester Waits as well as holding a stall at the Four Colnes Show.

More than £10,000 has been raised to date.

Now, a quiz night is being staged to continue the fundraising efforts.

Next Saturday, October 15, the Earls Colne Village Hall is hosting the Bellfund Fun Fundraiser.

Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start, and guests can bring their own drinks and nibbles.

Tickets are £6 per person, with maximum of six people per team.

There are also £1 spot prizes and games.

Tickets are available from the Ecolnes Refillery, Ziel and Forkandles.