A TEAM of hair salon employees have been doing their bit to help the planet after taking part in a beach clean-up.

Staff members from Cabello Hair and Beauty in Witham made the long trip to Brighton to join up with the Marine Conservation Society.

The team was made up of Cabello director Kathryn Berale, Sam Smith, Emily Ainsworth and Chantelle Byart.

They joined 40 employees from other Aveda salons for the society’s beach clean up and survey.

Overall, the team collected a whopping 65kg of rubbish after being inspired to take part in the Great British Spring Clean, which runs until April 10.

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Kathryn said: “Firstly, we took to analysing the litter collected on the beach.

“We noted down each piece of litter on the form provided – you will be surprised what we picked up.

“It was frightening how the little bits we forget about made it to the beach like plastic from sanitary products. You can’t believe they are still made, and the top part we tear off from a tomato sauce sachets were everywhere, all of which make it into our eco-systems and affect our wildlife.

“This data is collected and used to lobby the Government – the abolishment of plastic straws and plastic cotton buds were all actioned using this data.

“We then took part in a marine quiz and looked at how long each item of rubbish hangs around for.

“It was eye-opening, I can tell you. After lunch, we got to the serious cleaning up.

’Between us all, we collected 65kg of rubbish – a good day’s work.

“At Cabello with Aveda we prioritise sustainability and we are committed to supporting initiatives that help communities and the planet.

“We have won awards for our eco-friendly values so I am very pleased that my team took time out to come and help the Marine Conservation Society with this project – it shows just how committed they are in their home life and at work”