I recently wrote a poem about a tree on the outskirts of Maldon and thought I’d share it with you:

If you drive down the A414

You may see something you’ve never noticed before

For here stands a tall thin tree

That many will not spot as we go from “a to b”

For this tree was once a giant

He was so big, strong and defiant

This large man was free to wander and roam

Across the Dengie Hundred, all alone

As he approached Maldon Road

He was confused by what it showed

For this way took cars from the estuary

And onto Bicknacre and Danbury

What were these things that whizzed on by?

For these vehicles were new to his eye

He had hoped this road he could traverse

But decided to wait for the traffic to disperse

As he began his wait he let out a groan

For the duration of this to him was unknown

So the giant stood and continued to wait

Oblivious to his impending fate

For unaware beneath his feet

The life around him began to meet

With first his feet and then his knees

The giant terrified, stood in a freeze

The giant was trapped as the life continued to grow

As the traffic flew past down below

The giant realised now he would never be free

For now he was encased in the Scots pine tree.

Time went by and with the tree he would merge

By the busy road near the verge

The birds began to nest on his head

As his limbs began to breakaway and shed

But now all that remains is the old tree

That from the others seems differently

For this is all that remains of he

Who decided to wait so patiently”

Grace Silverwood
