Today you have most likely been enjoying a barbecue, a dip in the paddling pool and some ice cold drinks.

And with temperatures reaching 28C+ during the day, the nights have been pretty hot too.

According to the Met Office tonight is set to 21C - 20C at around midnight.

So what can you do to help you drift off even when its still hot at night?

For those who struggle to sleep through hot, stuffy nights, a medical expert at Instant eCare has been sharing their top tips for keeping cool at night.

1. Have a cool shower just before you go to bed

This will reduce the temperature of your skin and leave you feeling cooler as you settle into bed.

Running your wrists under a cold tap for a few seconds is also a great way to cool your blood circulation instantly.

2. Avoid spicy food before bed

There might be any number of good reasons for this but when it's hot, big meals are a bad idea.

If you eat a heavy dish late at night, your body is more likely to stay awake longer as it tries to process it.

3. Keep your curtains closed during the day

This prevents the sunlight from entering and heating the room.

The optimum temperature for good sleep in your room should be 16 -18C.

4. Sleep in cotton pyjamas – or even cold wet socks or a damp t-shirt

The heat from your body will mean the water evaporates over the course of the night but you’ll certainly feel more refreshed as you drift off.

5. Avoid exercising just before bedtime

This will obviously increase your temperature. If you want to exercise, make sure you leave enough time for your body to cool down again before bed.

6. Remove winter bedding

With the colder weather over the last few weeks you may have thought Autumn had arrived and switched your bedding. But opt instead for lightweight, cotton blankets or ideally, sleep with just a sheet over you.

7. If all else fails, consider moving downstairs for the night

Hot air rises so it’s likely that a downstairs room will be a much cooler alternative to the bedroom.