I READ with concern the report in the Gazette that an opposition group councillor has suggested the field next to Firstsite be compulsorily purchased from the school which owns it.

Recent events have shown Colchester Council cannot be trusted not to lease off such spaces to the first developer that comes along with an unattractive proposal.

Given this context, I would urge Cllr Laws to clarify exactly what it is that he is proposing should happen with this green space, otherwise the proposal could be construed as alarming, possibly wrongly.

Across the UK schools are coming under pressure to sell their playing fields, due to the funding crisis in education.

This is depriving children of playing space and access to the open air.

At a time when concern is growing about the amount of time children spend cooped up in front of a screen instead of outdoors, we need to be careful.

I agree it would be good to see this field used more often for public events held at Firstsite, working in co-operation with the school. However its current status offers it some protection against the grasping hands of the developers who simply want to make a fast buck.

I suggest a far more suitable candidate for a compulsory purchase order would be the former Odeon building in Crouch Street, which could provide space for local charities or some much needed social accommodation rather than remaining the ongoing eyesore that it is.

It is also concerning that archaeology has been removed from the Painters Yard site.

Whatever the good intentions behind this, it has to be left to the experts to avoid artefacts being damaged or lost.

I strongly believe the opposition group should be calling a full council meeting to discuss the proposed development, which I'm told it has the power to do.

So far the huge student accommodation block is being pushed for by just eight members of the cabinet while the rest of the council is denied a full say, despite being elected representatives.

This is not fully democratic and whatever concerns there may be about compromising the planning committee, it seems to me the opposition group on the council needs to be engaging in action rather than words.

Mark Goacher
Colchester Green Party
Morant Road, Colchester