AN annual competition has been launched to find the best gardens in town.

Halstead in Bloom has launched its annual garden competition, which is free to enter and open to all residents in the town.

This year there are only four categories - front garden, back garden, allotment and young person’s garden under the age of 15.

Unlike last year, entrants can enter more than one category.

A spokesman said: “Entrants will be judged on a clean, tidy and well-tended garden, including colour co-ordination and plant mix.

“Judges will discuss the use of any water conservation, recycling, mulching and composting used in the garden.

“Points will also be awarded for sustainable planting, further plans for the garden and any plants raised by the entrant.

“Last year most of the entries came from allotments probably due to the hot summer so the competition committee has brought the judging date forward in the hope that more gardeners will take part.”

Those wishing to take part or for more information, contact or pick up an entry form from supermarket noticeboards around the town.

The closing date for entries is Friday, June 23 and judging will take place on the weekend of July 1 and 2.