PLANS to curb anti-social behaviour in a town car park have been postponed again.

The prospect of sorting reported issues in Rosemary Lane car park in Halstead has been part of ongoing council discussions.

After ongoing reports of anti-social behaviour in the area, Halstead Town Council did look at installing barriers at the site.

The proposal was to put metal fencing either side of the entrance, with a barrier in the centre, which can be locked in the open or closed position.

This would require the first permit holder to arrive each day to open the barrier, and the last to leave to close it.

It would also mean no members of the public could park there overnight.

The prospect of installing CCTV was also mentioned, which discussed further at the most recent town council meeting.

However, the decision was postponed after information given out at the meeting by community safety engagement officer PC James Draper about the possibility of the Safer Streets Campaign providing funds, possibly for CCTV.

During the meeting, PC Draper talked of a bid to secure funding to improve safety in Halstead as part of the safer Streets campaign, which could be used to improve safety in the Butler Road and Public Gardens part of Halstead.

The decision to postpone the decision was unanimously agreed by councillors.