A weight loss football programme is going from strength to strength with almost 400kg lost by all those taking part.

The district’s MAN v FAT Football is a weight loss initiative which began at the beginning of 2022.

The club now has four teams and runs regular training sessions on Friday nights at Halstead Leisure Centre.

MAN v FAT Football offers a unique approach to weight loss and fitness, offering motivation and diet tips as well as support, information and the tools needed to lose weight and become healthier.

Participants take part in a football league where weight loss as well as goals scored during games contribute to the overall league result.

Weight loss directly impacts on the team’s performance and so far 90 per cent of those taking part have lost weight.

Matt Hudson from MAN v FAT said: “The guys in the Halstead club have lost more than 390kg in the year the club has been up and running, and have formed some great bonds on and off the pitch.

“We have been delighted to support so many men with their health and wellbeing and Jack, our coach, has graduated from being a player to leading the group currently and his own experiences have meant that he is providing some great advice to the current members.”

All men aged 18 or over and with a BMI above 25 are eligible.

Spaces are available and those wanting to join should visit manvfootball.org/Braintree.