A NURSERY where children flourish due to “passionate staff and management” has been praised in a top report from watchdogs.

Castle Nursery in Castle Hedingham has been rated outstanding in its latest report from Ofsted.

Inspectors praised children and their behaviour, as well as management, staff and the nursery’s curriculum.

They said: “Children flourish in this welcoming nursery. They smile as they arrive, find their own names to self-register and confidently hang up their belongings.

“They energetically say goodbye to their parents and carers, and run off happily into the enriching environment.

“Children's behaviour is impeccable. Staff swiftly support children to manage conflicts independently and as a result, children show high levels of respect for each other.

“For example, children confidently discuss swapping gardening equipment with each other while in the mud kitchen to achieve their desired goal within the learning experience.”

The report also had high praise for staff.

It said: “The manager and staff are passionate about the knowledge they want children to achieve before going to school.

“Staff place significant focus on promoting children's independence from a young age, so that by pre-school they are given roles within the daily routine.

“Staff implement a highly effective curriculum that is led by the children and provides them with endless possibilities to explore their own ideas.

“Staff skilfully incorporate children's interests into learning experiences to motivate them further.”

Inspectors praised management, saying “the manager prioritises teamwork within the nursery. She actively seeks the views of all children, staff and parents who attend the nursery”.

It also used examples of activities at the nursery, saying: “Children squeal with delight and show high levels of satisfaction when finding worms in the mud pit, calling staff by name to showcase their findings.

“Children are provided with a wealth of outdoor learning throughout the day, which gives them opportunities to develop healthy lifestyles.”

Nursery manager Diana Dadd said: “I am extremely proud of our team who are passionate about creating a place where children feel safe, secure and valued.

“The children are at the heart of all we do and it’s lovely that the report recognised how our curriculum is led by children, following their interests and ideas to create learning experiences.”