A PROJECT is looking for help from the community to create a centre for health and wellbeing.

The Halstead Men’s Shed group is looking to move the project forward after being created earlier this year.

Men’s Sheds are places to pursue practical interests, skills and enjoy making and mending.

The project was brought to Halstead and is run by resident Kevin Pryke.

Mr Pryke said: “The group’s main focus is assisting older men but will accept anyone that needs our help from becoming socially excluded.

“It relieves the needs of those people who are socially excluded and assists them to integrate into society through the provision of facilities in which they can meet to undertake, jointly or individually, creative, physical or recreational activities, learn or pass on skills and knowledge and support each other socially.

“For the purpose of this, 'socially excluded' means being excluded from society for reasons like unemployment, separation, financial hardship, bereavement, old age or ill health.”

The group has been offered a lease on the St John Ambulance Station at Fenn Road allotments.

Now, they are actively seeking men interested in joining the group to get in contact with the Shed so that the project can move forward.

Mr Pryke added: “We are also looking for other groups that would be interested in sharing the building and want a home for their activities.

“Ideally, we are looking for groups that have an interest in health and wellbeing or support groups, but will welcome any interested parties.

“We have two rooms available which can be combined into one and the building is equipped with a kitchen and disabled toilets.

“There is also a small storage area and possible access to a separate office.”

To get in touch, contact halsteadshed.com or call 07789 255269.