A VET practice is over the moon after seeing their new practice boom in popularity.

The Linkswood Veterinary Centre launched near Halstead on November 1 last year.

The venture was started at Catley Cross by veteran local vet Robert Lees and his wife Avril Lees.

Robert, who has been a vet for more than 40 years, realised he wasn’t ready to retire after working and running practises in the area since 1979.

Teaming up with fellow vets George Lightfoot and Helen Light, the Linkswood Veterinary Centre has gone from strength to strength since opening its doors.

So far, the practise has nearly 2,000 new clients and is marking is six-month anniversary with an open day on May 29 from 2pm to 5pm.

Robert Lees said: “We cannot believe the goodwill and support we have had from the local area, the RSCPA and local charities all who recommend new owners to us, and I would like to take this opportunity and thank everyone for their loyal support.”

Linkswood added it is proud of its independent status and are grateful that their decisions remain their own.

Linkswood Veterinary Centre says it is also delighted to welcome two new vets to the clinic.

Claire Prideaux will be joining them in June and Rosina Page in August this year.

Both are highly experienced and Linkswood says they will be invaluable additions to the growing practice.

Linkswood also added Carolyn Wyse and Hailey Harvey will be opening an Equine Clinic at Linkswood.

This will be a separate business to the small animal clinic but there will be plenty interaction between the two clinics.

Linkswood is also thanking everyone for such a huge support over the last six months and encourages people to join them on May 29.

The open will feature dog agility by a Team GB member and Grand Prix Dressage displays together with a beer tent, hog roast and barbeque, children’s activities & much more.

Everyone is welcome and, it goes without saying, so are all dogs.