A PUB has managed to raise hundreds of pounds to go towards a cancer charity after their gig night was a success.

The Royal Oak, in Halstead, raised £654 for Macmillan Cancer Support through the show on February 25.

Daniel Fraser, 49, from Colchester, who usually plays in the band JDS with Jon Halden and Sam Thake, played a solo gig at the pub to raise funds for the charity.

He said the night was great, with plenty of guests enjoying the show.

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Daniel said: “It was a really good night and was well-attended.

“It got quite lively towards the end for people after they had a few drinks.

“The microphones were there for everyone, and they definitely got involved.

“It was all a very jolly affair by the end of the night.”

The gig was put on by landladies Jasmine Louise, 28, and mum Jackie Roy, who have been running the pub since last July.

Jasmine has family that have been affected by cancer, so it was a charity that was close to their hearts.

Daniel added: “The best part was obviously the money raised, and in all fairness that was down to the pub as they managed to raise £400 with raffle tickets.

“The rest was donations straight into the bucket, and to raise so much was what made the whole thing feel good.”