A POPULAR market returned under the watchful eye of an events organiser.

Stella Maris, from Great Yeldham, ran the first of many Ridgewell markets, as she took over the community event.

She took over from the previous event host, now running it on behalf of the Ridgewell Village Hall Management Committee.

READ MORE >> Events organiser ready and excited to take over popular market

Stella’s first market was on February 12, and returned with a good first turnout.

Stella said: “We had about 65 people which was lovely.

“It all went very well.”

The market relaunched last September, after the refurbishment of the village hall due to a substantial grant from The Big Lottery and the DEFRA fund with the balance raised from other grants and fundraising before COVID.

COVID delayed the refurbishment, but the hall was able to re-open in May 2021.

There was a large variety of stalls at the returning market, such as food, crafts, appliances and toiletries.

Stella was also there with her daughter at her own stall, raising money for Diabetes UK.

Her next event is the Ridgewell indoor boot sale, which is also at the Village Hall on February 27, from 9.30am to 12.30pm.

The Ridgewell market will continue on the second Saturday of each month, outside of August and December, also at the Village Hall.

Stella added: “I am really looking forward to the future events.

“We hope more people can come as I really like it to be busy.”