A CONCERNED resident is appealing for traffic authorities to make changes to Halstead’s through roads over fears of air pollution.

Backlogs of traffic in the town have sparked concerns over the amount of pollution schoolchildren may be breathing.

A Halstead resident, who wished not to be named, is calling on Essex Highways and traffic bosses to think about making changes to the town’s roads.

They say traffic on Halstead’s through roads is causing bottlenecks which see traffic come to a standstill at peak times, and they are concerned about the amount of air pollution being produced by stationary cars.

An example of this is Head Street with residents previously voicing complaints over HGVs squeezing down the tight road and belching fumes just inches away form their doorsteps.

This prompted a multi-council effort to introduce a new strategic lorry route to divert HGVs away from the town - although these plans are still in the works.

Now though, the concerned resident feels parking on through roads and roadworks in the town centre are making matters worse.

As a result, they fear for schoolchildren walking through the area at peak times and are calling on authorities to take action.

They said: “Everyone is talking about the climate and pollution affecting our world and health.

“In Halstead at busy times there are traffic jams on the through routes. Clouds of black diesel particulates can be seen emitted from older large vehicles, and some small vehicles.

“Our children who walk to school have to endure this. In the summer, homes with windows open ‘enjoy’ it!

“Parked cars on the major through routes are a considerable reason affecting free flow of traffic.

“Then have the traffic lights in Bridge Street. Massive queues, exacerbated by parking again.

“Outside the park on Saturday lunchtime a lorry forced its way past the parked cars hitting the car behind mine, which could not escape due to the jam.

“The lorry just continued on, oblivious. Come on Essex Highways, can’t you see the need to keep traffic flowing, and reduce bottle necks caused by parking, and especially when roadworks are increasing the restrictions, or is Halstead just too small to matter?”

They feel removing parked cars from though roads, such as has been done in Sudbury, would be a good way to solve the traffic issue, although it must be done reasonably.

They added they would like to see an alternative parking area created for residents to park their cars.

A spokesman for Essex Highways said: “Air pollution is one of the issues that is important to all of us, wherever we live or work. We work with local councils, looking at the causes and where we could collaborate to reduce it where road traffic is a particular problem.

“We are also very keen for road users to alter their travel habits where they can, by moving away from using a car where possible and considering less polluting active travel methods, such as walking or cycling.

“Not only would this reduce the amount of traffic on our roads, but it is also a much healthier way to get around, particularly for short journeys.

“Unfortunately, there was a burst water main last week on Bridge Street in Halstead, which required emergency road works by Anglian Water.

“Any concerns residents may have with parking around Halstead should be directed to the North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP).”

A Braintree Council spokesman said: “At this time we are increasing our monitoring of the area to determine if there is an issue. Should an issue be identified we would declare an Air Quality Management Area and work with others, including Essex County Council, to prepare a Local Air Quality Action Plan to improve the air quality in the area.”