Having endured fireworks for three nights running, before November 5 arrived, I wonder why we need a longer period to celebrate this tradition.

We have successfully arranged the Armistice Day tributes to be on the Sunday nearest to November 11 for many years, so perhaps it is time to restrict Bonfire Night to the nearest Saturday to November 5.

As some of our pets need sedation to overcome their fear of loud noises, at least their owners would know when to administer treatment in advance.

I have no wish to be a spoilsport, but I feel that things are now getting rather tiresome and perhaps some restraint is needed.

The fireworks seem to be getting much louder each year and, even without my hearing aid, they reminded me of the war years when, aged seven, I sat in the cupboard under the stairs with my grandmother while we heard bombs exploding nearby and saw the searchlights and flashing of anti-aircraft fire in the night sky.

Perhaps the sale of all loud bangers should be restricted to exhibitions only, leaving the family parties to enjoy quieter celebrations.

Maybe younger family members would be happier with a few “pops and swishes” rather than the loud explosions that their fathers seem to relish in letting off each year.

Just a few thoughts from an octogenarian.

Jean Margaret Collins, Wakes Colne