A CARNIVAL committee is putting on a competition to spot the typo in their programme.

The Maldon Carnival committee has created a competition to spot the single spelling error in their programme for this year’s carnival.

Participants who spot it can email their answers to the committee who will put you into a draw.

The winner will be picked from the draw and will win £20.

Vice-chair of the committee, Marie Pilgrim, said: “A warning to all – spellcheck doesn’t always do the job.”

According to Mrs Pilgrim, a shortage of volunteers meant that she and chairman Robert Slight had to increase their workload two weeks before the carnival.

Mrs Pilgrim added: “If anyone would like to come on board to help on next year’s committee, it would be greatly appreciated.

“We’ve become a registered charity this year and this is one of the many things that have meant that our workload has been pushed up.

“We do try our best, but sometimes there’s a little human error.”

To enter the competition, email your answer to what the typo is to info@maldoncarnival.co.uk.

The deadline is Friday, August 31.