A SURVIVAL course has been set up to raise funds for a man killed in a tragic car crash.

Coz Powell, 21, died in hospital following a crash on Braintree Road in Gosfield in 2014.

David Bradley, from Braintree, was under the influence of alcohol and drugs when his car veered across the carriageway, hitting the car Coz and his friend James Simmons, 18, were in.

The three died following the crash and since then Coz's family has been raising awareness.

They have been working on building a woodland survival course to raise money for Coz's charity.

Gen Powell, Coz's mum, said: "It was incredible, we'd only been there 10 minutes and learnt how to get pure fresh water from a tree.

"We're organising the schedule so that anyone who doesn't want to get involved in preparing rabbits or pigeons for dinner has something else useful to do.

"We had built a shelter and left one of the trustees filling it with dry leaves whilst the rest of us were busy with the rabbits.

"We're so thrilled that we are ready to offer this to people."

The woodland course is over five acres of woodland in Wickham Bishops, the location will be given out on request.

The first course will be ready for the public on April 1.

As part of the course people can learn to light fires, build shelters, spot poisonous plants and more.

The trustees of Coz Powell's charity are looking for people aged 18 to 24, but they have said anyone can attend the first session as they would like feedback.

To find out more email gen@smilingant.com.